Account: How do I create an account?

To sign in to Earth 2, you will need to create an Earth 2 Account. 

Once logged in, you will gain access to features like buying and selling tiles, managing your properties, and trading with other players. 

If you want to know more about Earth 2, you can, of course, still visit the Earth 2 website without an account.

  • To create a new Earth 2 Account, visit the Main Page.

  • In the top right, click Login or Sign up.

  • In the bottom of the menu, click "Don't have an account? Sign up".


Choose an email address and a secure password. Be sure to not use a password that has previously been set for another website!

Please note: You will need to verify this account via the KYC process to be able to withdraw funds.

[Date Created: 1/16/2024 6:07:35 AM]