Orbit: How do I add a Megacity to Orbit?

Why add a Megacity to Orbit?

Orbit offers its users a single location where Earth2 users can browse megacities and gain a brief introduction to their concepts.

Megacity owners are able to either simply list their megacity and redirect users to their own site OR provide further details inside Orbit.

By providing additional information inside Orbit it will make it easier for users to browse, as all information is in one location. If the introduction interests them they can then go to the cities own website for further details.

How do I list my Megacity?

1. First you will need to "Create an Account" (link provided in the top right corner of your screen) and log in.

2. In the top right corner you will see your user name. Click on this to take you to your Profile.

3. Now click on "My Cities".

4. Now fill in the simple form and click "Add Megacity".

5. If you now return to the main menu (click on the Orbit logo), then click on Megacities, you should see your megacity listed as the first item on the menu.

Note: Only the most recently edited Megacities will appear on the menu. This ensures the most active megacities get the best advertising.

How do I add details to my Megacity?

1. Return to Profile > My CIties

2. You now have new options: Details, Edit, View & Delete

DETAILS will show you what the user sees when then view more details about your Megacity (if you have supplied any).

VISIT will take you to your Megacity (the link you supplied when you created it).

EDIT will take you to a page to edit the DETAILS about your Megacity.

DELETE will completely remove the Megacity for Orbit.

3. Click Edit and you will be presented with a large text editor to add your information and the following:

All fields are optional but it is recommended to add as much information as possible. 

4. Click on Save Changes.

Note: As soon as you Save Changes the system will change the link on the Megacities page to take you to your new Orbit page. This page will contain the previous link at the top of the page as a Visit button.

[Date Created: 1/26/2024 4:07:58 AM]